Pricing and shipping information.

For better and more efficient logistics, SENSE NU has the product located in a warehouse in Madrid (Spain), so that the shipping of your purchase is faster and with less impact.
We ship at Economy prices to Portugal, France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, the United Kingdom and Andorra. For the rest of the European countries, it has a higher cost. (As indicated in the Shipping Costs on the website, when making the purchase from the available countries or areas).
For purchases from the Canary Islands, you can send me an email to find out the availability in Tenerife of the product you are interested in (Subject: your name + Canary Islands Stock. Message: Add the Model and basic specifications of the accessory you are interested in). And I will give you the information as soon as possible.
For any questions or queries, do not hesitate to write to me, it will not be a problem to help you.
Enjoy your visit to the store and your possible purchase. Each accessory is made with dedication and enthusiasm so that you can enjoy it.